Wednesday 29 August 2012


I bought myself an amazon kindle back in January for my birthday. I knew I would have to travel a lot during the year and I just hate to bring weighty tomes with me when I also have to carry my suitcase and laptop bag. I went for the newest version then and it is the 'Kindle Wi-Fi 6" with E Ink Display'.

After more than six months of use I can confirm that I love my kindle. It was the absolute right choice for me and the first thing I did - obviously after charging it for the first time - was downloading a bunch of free ebooks. I downloaded the entire Jane Austen collection (German link / UK link / US link), Oscar Wilde (German link / UK link / US link), and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Complete Sherlock Holmes Collection (German link / UK link / US link). The links will guide you to the entire collections but you can also download single editions for free. Actually you don't need a kindle to read amazon's free ebooks, you can also download the free reading app and you'll be able to read on your computer. Did I mention you can read pdf files on your kindle, too? No? Well, now you know, I think it's ingenious, I use it to read my papers for work and it works really well.

I bought a faux leather case for my kindle very cheap on ebay and this way I carry it around with me everywhere, alright, I don't take it with me when I go for a run.

I'll leave you with a couple of images from my last train journey up North. I just love the sky.

Do you use a kindle? Which eBooks do I need to download?

Have a good week! 

Saturday 25 August 2012

WTW #2 Blind Side

The first time I saw the movie Blind Side, I hardly made it 5 minutes into the movie and I started crying like there was no tomorrow and I didn't stop till the very end. Please don't get the wrong impression, it is a really good movie and it leaves you with a positive feeling, but sometimes I just get overwhelmed. I cannot remember how many times I've seen this movie but I am glad to report that my crying now doesn't start before the Thanksgiving feast scene.

Sandra Bullock is brilliant and I don't think it is any surprise that she won an Oscar for her role. I know for some people this might be shocking but before this movie I didn't know one thing about American football. I'm by far no professional now but I think I got the basic gist. Maybe I'm going to watch the next Super Bowl  broadcast in the middle of the night due to time shift. I said maybe.

Since I love this movie so much I decided to let you determine for yourself whether you like it or not. Therefore I am not going to bore you with my amateur attempt on a summary. 

Here are the links to buy Blind Side on amazon, German version, UK version, US version.

Watch it, love it, tell me! 

Wednesday 22 August 2012


After a stressful week packed with work and just things that need to be done but are not really fun, I love to go for a run on Saturday mornings to destress. Around 8 a.m. the danger of running into a crowd of tourists is generally low and so perfect for me. I run to stop thinking, I know, some people run to organize their thoughts, I don't. Whether I run 10k or just 5k depends on how "bad" my week was. So, here are some pictures I took with my BlackBerry, it also contains my running playlist, and therefore is a steady companion on my runs.

My runners are old and not any more white as they used to be but due to the sunshine they seem so clean! I love it! :)

What do you do to destress? Do you have any tips?

Thank you for reading and have a great rest of the week! 

Saturday 18 August 2012

What To Watch #1 Inception

As everybody who knows me can tell you I am absolutely crazy about movies. Not just recent ones but although old classics. I decided to do a new weekly (at least that's the plan) series and introduce you to some of my favourite movies. To be honest it was really difficult for me to pick the first movie I'd like to write about - should I go with an old classic or rather a current one? So without further ado here is my first choice.

Compelling plot? - Check
Great action scenes? - Check
Handsome men? - Check
British accent? - Check

What more do you ask for?

Summarized, Inception is a movie about dream alteration. You can steal details from a subject's (=person's) mind, aka extraction, and you can implant thoughts into a person's mind, aka inception. Extraction is relatively easy, inception is not. Cobb (Leonardo di Caprio) is the best known extractor and puts together his team to do a very complicated inception. This team consists of Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Eames (Tom Hardy), Yusuf (Dileep Rao), Saito (Ken Watanabe), and Ariadne (Ellen Page). Of course everybody has their own motives to do such a risky job ...

Oh, I almost forgot. Marion Cotillard stars in the role of Mal, Cobb's crazy dead wife ...

My catch phrase is Eames' "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling!", that one always cracks me up.

As a side note: Did anybody see "The Dark Knight Rises"? It's like an Inception reunion, Tom Hardy, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Cillian Murphy and director Christopher Nolan! You may be surprised but I love both movies!

When you've seen the movie, please watch this awesome how it should have ended version of Inception.

Here are the links to buy Inception on amazon, German version, UK version, US version.

I was told we'll be suffering a heat wave this weekend. Accordingly my plans for this weekend are rather simple and include a very early morning run along the river, ice cream, champagne cocktails, and Wuthering Heights (the version starring Tom Hardy)!

Bottoms up!